• CSI Drinking Game

CSI Drinking Game


An elite team of police forensic evidence investigation experts work their cases in Las Vegas.


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Who doesn't love a good crime drama? They tend to make for the best and most popular tv series, second only to make reality shows. Lets get plenty of alcohol on deck and prepare to test our livers as we watch the underbelly of society wreak havoc, and the good guys attempt to foil their plans and bring bad guys to justice.

Drink every time:

  • An investigator drops an overly scientific explanation or evaluation of a crime scene
  • The word "trajectory" is used
  • A lawyer is going on and on with legal jargon
  • Someone is seen consuming alcohol
  • Police are interrogating a suspect or witness (drink 2x if it's a child)
  • There's no fingerprints left on the scene (2x if there IS fingerprints)
  • Someone narcs on their friends or family and gets them arrested

Drink 2x when:

  • An investigator drops an incredibly cheesy one-liner
  • You see drugs on screen
  • Someone under the age of 20 is pregnant
  • You see a drug bust
  • There's a sex scene (take a shot if it's rape)

Take a shot when:

  • Someone is murdered onscreen
  • The guilty party confesses to the crime
  • If a cop ends up being involved in the crime

As always, please remember to drink responsibly! This alcohol drinking game is not meant to lead to you becoming sick due to over-consumption of alcohol. Need a sober ride? Save $5.00 by riding w/ Lyft! If you enjoyed it, please leave feedback in the comments & let us know how we can make it better!


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