Stacia K. from Encinitas, California
Purchased Why Cant I Be Rich Instead Of Good Looking Tank Top.
One of the most popular social drinking games in the world, players actions and drinks are associated with the face-down card that they randomly select each turn.
A deck of cards is spread out faced down around a full, unopened can of beer, and the participants position themselves in a circle around the table.
Each turn, every player picks up one of the face down cards, and either drinks or gives drinks based on the action associated with said card.
At the end of the turn, the player puts the card underneath the beer can surrounded by face down cards, making sure not to open the can (which can be heard by air leaking out should it happen). If the can is opened, that players drinks the beer, and a new one replaces it with no cards under the tab to start.
The game continues until all cards are drawn.
Below is a list of common card associations during Kings:
As always, please remember to drink responsibly! This alcohol drinking game is not meant to lead to you becoming sick due to over-consumption of alcohol. Need a sober ride? Save $5.00 by riding w/ Lyft! If you enjoyed it, please leave feedback in the comments & let us know how we can make it better!
You must be of legal age and in no violation of local or federal laws while viewing this material.
We do not support misuse of alcohol, including excessive consumption, binge drinking, or drinking and driving. It has been proven that excessive drinking can cause serious physical harm.
Please drink responsibly!
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My bad =(
Stacia K. from Encinitas, California
Purchased Why Cant I Be Rich Instead Of Good Looking Tank Top.
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