• FIFA Drinking Game

FIFA Drinking Game

  • Players: 1+
  • Type: Competitive
  • Drink: Any
  • Consumption:
  • Year: -Today
  • Genre: XBOX PS
  • Actors:


The FIFA Drinking Game is perfect for those that don't like smoking weed while playing, or FIF AND CHIEF. Shots and drinks are given out based on rules from the popular video game.


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Fire up your Xbox or Playstation and pop in FIFA. Get your alcohol ready, and if you're playing, go through all the preliminaries. If you're spectating, wager on which team will win and be prepared to pay if you bet wrong.


If you're playing, you will drink a shot at the end of the game if you lose (or if you want to go hard, take a shot for each goal you lose by) . Spectators should also wager on a winner and be prepared to drink if you pick wrong (or assign drinks if you pick right).

The rest are pretty standard video game drinking rules:

(1) Drink:

  • Fouls
  • Ball out of bounds
  • Whistled for offsides

(2) Drinks:

  • Out of bonds leading to a corner kick
  • Injuring your opponent

(5) Drinks:

  • Yellow Card
  • Goal scored on you (+1 second for the total # of goals that team has scored)

(10) Drinks

  • Red Card
  • Missed penalty kick (you suck)

Also feel free to implement the substitution rule where you must drink for the # of seconds of that players number, and for double digits add their two numbers together to get a single digit number of seconds to drink.

As always, please remember to drink responsibly! This alcohol drinking game is not meant to lead to you becoming sick due to over-consumption of alcohol. Need a sober ride? Save $5.00 by riding w/ Lyft! If you enjoyed it, please leave feedback in the comments & let us know how we can make it better!


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