• Top 5 Drinking Games to Play with Your Partner

Top 5 Drinking Games to Play with Your Partner

By: Aditya | Posted in: Drinking Games | Published: 3/23/2021

Are you looking to have a good time with your partner? Drinking games could be a great way to strengthen your bond. Here are the top 5 games you should try.

Did you know that couples who drink together, stay together? Having a drink or two on Saturday nights is not uncommon. Very often, though, partners in a couple or marriage have different drinking habits, where one drinks more than the other, while the other partner might not be okay with that. Still, when you have the same drinking habits, you're likely to be happy together according to studies.

But that doesn't mean you have to drink until you pass out. There are other ways to spend some time together and have fun with drinks while mixing this with some creativity. If you ever find yourself looking for new ways to laugh together, then we have the solution - drinking games. You don't have to be a responsible adult at all times, so try out these 5 drinking games to laugh together until your stomach hurts.

1. Straight Face

If you want to laugh, then this game is a guaranteed way to do so, particularly if you're the type of person who laughs easily.

It basically goes like this: you take multiple paper pieces and write funny or naughty sentences on them and put them in a bowl. Make sure to fold them and mix them, so the other one doesn't know what message is inside. Both you and your partner have to take turns reading the message out aloud. You will have to keep a straight face while doing it, so you cannot laugh or even show another facial expression. If you fail, you have to take a shot.

2. Higher or Lower/Red and Black

Playing card games is a good option too, and this one is easy and fun to try with your partner. Even though it's popular at parties, that doesn't mean you cannot just play it in a couple. The cool thing is that you can change the rules and make the experience more romantic or naughty. Grab a set of cards and have some drinks close to you.

You should start by guessing whether a card is red or black. If you're right, then you have to guess if the card is higher or lower than the card before it. Meanwhile, if you select the wrong color, you have to take a shot. By guessing the higher or lower card wrong, things will get "kinkier" and you will have to remove a piece of clothing.

3. Beer Pong

Beer pong can be adapted for two people as well. Besides, research shows that bacteria easily spread in group beer pong games, so it's better if you do it with your spouse or partner.

To play beer pong, you need a table tennis ball and some cups with drinks. The goal is to throw the tennis ball into the other's cup, and when a ball lands in one, the cup is taken away and the opponent has to drink the beverage inside.

4. Drunken Artists

This game requires you to draw. Grab a piece of paper and a marker. You can also do this with a finger on your partner's body. Basically, you have to draw while your partner has to guess what you are drawing as quickly as they can. If you do it quickly, the partner will take a drink every several seconds, and the more the partner spends guessing, the more he/she has to drink.

Both of you have to take a shot at the end of the round. You could get back at your partner if they intentionally delayed you from guessing.

5. Flip Cup

Flip cup is also quite popular in groups, but it works amazingly for couples as well. Start by chugging down a beer from a plastic cup, competing over who finishes first. Then, the cups are put upside down on the edge of a table, with the rim of the cup hanging out over the edge.

After that, you and your partner will have to compete over who will turn the cup right-side by just flicking the cup on the rim.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, drinking games can be a great way to have fun and spice things up with your partner. Try any of these games and you'll surely have a night to remember.

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