• Top 3 Movie Characters Who'd Be Great at Drinking Games
Top 3 Movie Characters Who'd Be Great at Drinking Games

Top 3 Movie Characters Who'd Be Great at Drinking Games

By: Joseph | Posted in: Drinking Games | Published: 10/27/2021

When it comes to competing at drinking games, not all people are created equal. You have to be able to hold your alcohol and not peak too early, whilst remaining cognitive enough to concentrate on the competitive nature of the game.

When it comes to competing at drinking games, not all people are created equal. You have to be able to hold your alcohol and not peak too early, whilst remaining cognitive enough to concentrate on the competitive nature of the game. That's what can make it all so much fun. However, some personas from the world of movies truly put all of us to shame. There are some fictional characters from the silver screen who are able to seemingly drink alcohol like it's water. No doubt if you went up against them, you'd be in for a bad time.

Here, then, is a concise look at some of the top movie characters who'd be truly great at drinking games. Whilst they may not always drink responsibly, always remember that you should.

Marion - Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark

When we're first introduced to Marion in Steven Spielberg's 1981 epic movie, Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark, she's in the middle of a drinking contest with an incredibly burly looking villager, who's about three times her size and bodyweight. This is obviously no normal drinker though, as she downs the shots with a grin, and then triumphantly takes the money as if it was no big deal.

It turns out that it probably was no big deal, as she then almost immediately has to help Indiana Jones fight off some rather unpleasant German visitors. She manages to not only do this after putting away a hefty amount, but still be standing with a smile at the end. This makes us think that she'd have absolutely no trouble then, destroying any and every opponent at the top ten drinking games of all time.

James Bond - Numerous

'The name is Bond, James Bond.' These are the most famous words uttered by the British super spy, James Bond, in each of his twenty-five movies to date. However, his second most famous offering is the classic: 'Vodka martini, shaken not stirred.' This is because Bond isn't just a big drinker, he's a stratospheric drinker. Seriously, the man is never far away from one of his alcoholic beverages of choice. He even had his Aston Martin in 1995's Goldeneye equipped with an ice cooler, so he could keep a bottle of champagne at the perfect temperature and a pair of cold flute glasses.

The reason that Bond would wipe the floor with the rest of us at drinking games though, is not only does he drink a lot, but that he then manages to stay so cool whilst doing it. For example, in 2005's Casino Royale, Bond manages to sink numerous drinks, including a poisoned cocktail, and still go on to win the poker game. In fact, Bond has a particular penchant for staying ice cold in casinos.

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They hold their own on film, so they could do it in reality

The Dude - The Big Lebowski

If you're known to everyone as 'The Dude', then chances are you must be a pretty cool guy. Jeffrey Lebowski, from the Coen's brothers 1998 comedic masterpiece, The Big Lebowski, is the dude in question, and whilst he's not exactly what mainstream society might deem as cool, he's certainly a laid-back and carefree individual. It doesn't matter if his head is being held down a toilet by nihilists, or if he's getting screamed at by his war-torn bowling buddy, the man just doesn't let it faze him.

It's not just his unwavering ability to not get flustered that makes 'The Dude' such a great candidate for drinking games though, he also has a taste for an adult beverage. In fact, the only thing he enjoys more than bowling, is always having a drink in his hand. His chosen poison is the milk-based cocktail, the White Russian, which actually saw a rise in popularity after the movie's release.

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