• The Best Casino Drinking Games

The Best Casino Drinking Games

By: Nitesh | Posted in: Gambling | Published: 11/24/2020

Casinos can be a fun place to spend time with your friends and near ones. You get the thrill of winning or betting on games on the different types of casinos.

Casinos can be a fun place to spend time with your friends and near ones. You get the thrill of winning or betting on games on the different types of casinos as shown on casinos.org.uk. The alcohol sure makes the games much more fun, but never gamble at real casinos if you are drunk you could end up losing more than you want. Drinking and gambling are one of the oldest pastimes in the world. It is something that has been for centuries occurring around the world. These games help to bring people together and also serves as a fun activity to combine with your drinks. You can play Drinking casino games in your home. There games can be incredibly fun and hilarious. We have compiled the best drinking games in the world for you to try out next time you hold a casino themed party. Read on to find out more.

Shot Roulette

It is an old casino game which first originated as early as the 1800s. It is a great game and is strictly for adults. The game is based on the classic wheel of roulette. There is a shot present which is associated with each number which is on the board. The shot can be of any alcoholic drink, but classic shot roulette was originally played with Tequila. You can also have fun and experiment with other drinks such as whisky, vodka and even rum. The wheel is spun by whoever is playing and the ball has to land in a slot associated with a number. The slot where the ball lands determines which shot the player has to drink.

This game can get hilariously fun because everyone starts to get tipsy after a while. There is also the risk of the ball falling in the slot which no one wants to drink such as raw Tequila or even chilli vodka, which is usually present on slot number 13. You can also have more daring shots of flaming rum or can also create your own very string alcoholic shot, which everyone is going to secretly wish not to drink.

It is also a very easy kind of game to set up. It can be played by part starters and people who have just had experience with casino games. A roulette wheel is all that is required along with a ball. You also need a felted band where players are going to place their own bets. You can also create your DIY felted band at home. You can draw a grid for 38 numbers if you do not want to ruin the table also. There are likely to be spillages on the board so players should be careful with their drawing bands and slots.

Chase the Ace

This is an extremely fun game of card. Although you will not find it in most casinos technically, it can create plenty of fun moments and also make players nervous to the edge of their seats. It makes for the one of the best kind of card styled party drinking games.

Although the name is kind of a misnomer, the premise of the game is simple enough. Players get dealt with a single card only. The idea of the game is to not end up with the card of the lowest value at the end of the trading round. Players can wish to stick if they end up with the lowest value if they take a shot of alcohol. Soon after a few rounds, you can expect things to get messy for people ending up with the lower value cards.

The game can continue until everyone is too drunk to play anymore or if a person has consecutive 3 lower value cards in a row, they have leave, thus, ensuring players get eliminated one by one. Although the original game of Chase the Ace makes players forfeit if the receive any lowest value card and of course, with no alcohol being involved, this game makes for one of the most fun card games you can play while drinking. You can also tweak the rules a little but with people receiving cards lower than a certain value having to drink, thus making it more fun and merry.

Wheel of Fortune

Wheels of Fortune have been one of the most popular games in casinos. You can find them these days just about anywhere such as bars, pubs and even malls. This game is based completely on luck. Creating a wheel of fortune is also easy and does not require much effort. You can create one just like a mock wheel of roulette. Roulette wheels are also available online for a cheap price and you can order one too if you like.

The wheel is colored or divided into different segments. This is where a little bit of creativity comes into play. You can create shots of alcohol for each segment. You can also write fun activities for people to carry out. You do not want people to get tipsy too fast, so you can vary the segments into different activities and have alcohol in just 2 or 3 slots. Casinos with wheel of fortunes have a wide variety of segments and the prizes involve casino money or even alcohol like free beers, cocktails and more.

A wheel of fortune is easy to play and only requires manual effort and no thinking at all. Thus, it can be a fun and carefree game to play, even if people are already tipsy. A wheel of fortune can also decorated with lights and for having an extra effect, you can audio along with it too. Most casinos have wheels with lighting effects along with audio associated with each shot. Prizes are announced on the speakers and makes the game more fun and interactive.

Chilli Craps

This game is kind of similar to Shot Roulette. It is based around the rolls of two dices. Similar to Craps, each score combined is connected to a specific drink. A combination of scores allows the players to have a drink and shift to the next player. Having a drink here is based purely on luck and most players have to roll a couple of times in order to receive a drink.

This game can be customized in a lot of ways depending on how intense you wish to make it. For example, rolling a double number in both dices is the worst kind of throw possible in Craps. You can opt to punish the player by making them having raw vodka or Scotch Bonnet. Certain combinations can also be tweaked to have it associated with other devilish drinks which people will despise to have. Certain combinations can also have the players rewarded like drinking Vanilla Ice Cream Smoothie or even a LIIT.

This game has a certain fear factor to it and it is always fun to see your co players in slight discomfort during the game. Sooner or later most people will be too drunk to even throw the dice properly and the merriness just seems to begin.


This is a simple drinking game which can get quite interesting with time. Everyone has an index card at the beginning of the game. The card has common phrases or words or even certain actions denoted on it. It has to be something which is bound to be done or said by everyone at least a number of times during the game. however, it should not also be something which someone will say or do too often, otherwise things can get quite tipsy. Everyone gets a card which has a different phrase, word or action. Each and every time the player sees someone do their action, speak out the phrase or the word, they can shout 'Taboo' and the other person has to drink.

Certain actions to include in your card are : Looking the mirror, crossing their arms, touching their hair, nose, etc., frown, smile, cough and the list goes on. You can also include some actions in your card as you like, but be sure it is a common one and people will be bound to do it at least once.

Certain words can be : Job, actually, like, beer, party, girlfriend, boyfriend, wife, husband, bed, work, office, etc.

Phrases can be : I wish, I believe, I don't know, I can, Excuse me, can you, etc.

Thus, Taboo is a fun kind of casino drinking game which can be played during the entire party, even when the person is not actively playing it or playing some other game. it helps people connect and mingle with each other. The rules you can find at wikihow.com/Play-the-Game-of-Taboo

Casino drinking games are thus fun and help people interact with one another. The alcohol helps to keep the spirits high and everyone has fun at the same time. Most games can be tweaked according to the players' wish and also drinks can be customized accordingly. These are games are intended for people who are above the legal age of drinking and not suitable for minors.

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