• Should I Give my 8-Year-Old Son CBD?

Should I Give my 8-Year-Old Son CBD?

By: Shauna M. | Posted in: Health | Published: 2/27/2024

No, you shouldn't give your 8-year-old son CBD. Why? Because there's simply not enough reliable data yet to understand how CBD affects a developing brain, specifically if they are as young as 8 years old.

See, CBD has been in use for a very long time, but legally, it’s been available for very little time as of now. It takes long and extensive trials to determine how such a compound affects the development of children.

Many studies show that CBD is beneficial for adults in many ways, but when it comes to kids, data is very vague and limited. The only CBD-based thing approved for kids for now is an FDA-approved prescription medication called Epidolex. But, it’s specifically given to those kids who have severe epilepsy symptoms, not for general use cases.

S,o if you are in search of CBD gummies for children  as young as 8 years old, then perhaps it’s best to wait for some time. Most child doctors also suggest parents right now avoid CBD use for their kids because there’s simply too much uncertainty.

Despite all this, there have been some anecdotal reports where parents reported seeing improvement in their children's anxiety, stress, trauma, nightmares, and poor sleep issues. Let’s try to understand this more closely through facts and science.

kid holding skateboard

What is CBD?

CBD stands for Cannabidiol, which is a naturally occurring plant compound found in cannabis plants. It’s nonintoxicating, well tolerated by the human body, does not cause any major side effects in adults, and is becoming more popular by the day.

Some experts believe that it’s much better than opioid-based pain medicines, as it blocks the pain signaling pathways without making consumers dependent or addicted.

In day-to-day use, it can calm your nerves, bring down your cortisol levels, and may also improve your circadian rhythms. It’s available legally in all 50 American states and various parts of the world. The only condition is that CBD products cannot have more than 0.3% of an intoxicating cannabinoid called THC.

CBD is rich in antioxidants, has strong anti-inflammatory effects, and protects the brain cells from damage. In some cases, it can also improve your cardiovascular health by helping in regulating blood pressure. The use cases and benefits are many, but most adults use it to just wind down and relax after a long and hectic day.

Can CBD be given to kids?

See, in most states, the legal age to buy CBD is either 18 or 21, so the government doesn’t want it reaching the hands of young kids. The only approved use case of CBD for kids is for epilepsy syndromes like - Lennox Gastaut, Tubreous, and Dravet. To target this, doctors are allowed to prescribe Epidolex, the world’s very first and only FDA-approved CBD medicine so far.

That’s it, outside of this use case, you should be very cautious about hooking your kid on CBD-rich gummies. However, there have been some minor reports where parents say that CBD helps their kids with anxiety, ADHD, or trouble sleeping.

Some parents think that it’s a natural alternative and much safer than general medicine. So maybe some kids with severe anxiety might seem calmer after taking CBD, but there’s not much data to back all this. Most of these claims rely on personal stories, not solid research. The final call is yours, but if you ask for an expert opinion, they’ll say no.

What are the major concerns about giving CBD to kids?

The biggest concern is the lack of research. Children’s brains and bodies are in a developing stage, and we don’t know how CBD might impact growth, hormones, or brain function over time.

The Epidolex trials made it clear that there are many side effects when kids are given CBD, like appetite loss, irritation, lack of focus, sedation, disrupted sleep, sudden shoot-up in liver enzymes, diarrhea, and more. Hence, many believe that children's bodies are not strong enough to manage CBD’s strong impact on the endocannabinoid system.

Another major risk is poor quality control. It’s a very well-known issue that the CBD market is very poorly regulated. A large number of CBD products  being sold in the market have more or less amount of THC and other cannabinoids than what’s mentioned on the label.

Many fail to pass when tested for heavy metals, pesticides, microbes, mold, and other harmful additives. A 2021 study found that over 25% of CBD products sold online had more THC than labeled, which could be dangerous for kids. So it’s a very risky thing to do.

Then the third aspect is legality. As we discussed above, CBD is primarily not targeted at kids. Kids in most states can’t go to the store and buy it; even online websites ask you to be 18 or 21+ years old before proceeding. Even in the states where there is an age limit, things are in a grey area because there are simply no laws that state that you can sell it to minors.

The consensus is that using unproven treatments on children is irresponsible, especially without medical guidance. Even the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) does not endorse CBD for children outside of FDA-approved uses like Epidiolex.

Pediatricians warn that CBD can interact with other medications, such as blood thinners or antidepressants, and cause harmful effects.

The End Note

To sum it up, No, you should refrain from giving your 8-year-old CBD. The only CBD-related thing allowed for kids is Epidolex, which is given for treating rare forms of epilepsy. It’s better to discuss with a pediatrician first before you decide to give your kid CBD gummies before bed.

Most probably, they will refuse to do so because there’s not enough data yet to show how CBD affects a developing brain.

However, for your use case as an adult, you can make CBD a regular part of your wellness routine. It can help parents to relax and sleep better after running after their kids and working the whole day. If you do decide to buy, make sure to order it from reputed and well-tested sites like Colorado Botanicals only

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