• Casino Drinking Games to Warm Up Before Aiming to Win Big at 1xBet

Casino Drinking Games to Warm Up Before Aiming to Win Big at 1xBet

By: Florence R. | Posted in: Gambling | Published: 6/24/2021

Casino drinking games add fun to any party big or small. These are games where you get to know your friends even better and get the adrenaline coursing through your veins as you anticipate whether it will be your turn to take the next shot or not.

Casino drinking games add fun to any party big or small. These are games where you get to know your friends even better and get the adrenaline coursing through your veins as you anticipate whether it will be your turn to take the next shot or not. After the thrill of a party it is great to take some time out to chill and see if you can win big at a real online casino to end the day in a perfect way. Here are some casino drinking games to get you started.

Barfly Blackjack

Played like the casino game, Barfly Blackjack replaces monetary bets with alcohol. When friends get tired of card games, you can continue playing poker online at 1xBet, playing against the house dealer for real cash from the comfort of home. Meanwhile, these are the rules of the game:

If a player's hand totals 21, they can order another player to take a drink. For each time they "hit" (ask for an additional card), they can assign an additional drink to someone else. This adds to the fun since it is an incentive to hit totals in the high teens. If a player is dealt a Blackjack everyone at the table must drink. Should the player's hand bust, they take two drinks.

Shot Roulette

Create a cardboard wheel designed to look like a roulette wheel or buy one online and have it delivered. Place shot glasses on all numbers and fill each one with a drink. Some glasses can have soft drinks whilst will hold anything from beer to wine to spirits. Add an element of surprise to the shots by including clear sodas to colourless non-alcoholic beers to a wheel of clear drinks that are more than just mineral water, gin and vodka. Players place bets on where the ball will land. If they win, they keep their bet and have to drink whatever is in the shot glass.

Dart Poker

For Dart Poker you need to create a cork board large enough to attach 52 playing cards. First, players must bet on whether they will hit a winning hand. Then each player throws six darts to win a poker hand. If they do not hit a winning hand, the bet is lost, but if they attain Three of a Kind, a Royal Flush or any other ranked poker hand, their bet is not lost and they have to take a drink.

Sportsbook drinking games

With so many online casinos now offering sportsbooks, why not try a drinking game connected with your favourite team. Choose your game whether baseball, soccer, football, basketball etc. and before the game starts, everyone has to choose a team to win. Whilst the game is in play there are rules about what to do in specific situations within play. This means that every time a team scores a touchdown, goal or point, those that chose the team can assign a shot to someone else. You can also enforce a "missed drink" rule where if someone misses a drink because went to use the bathroom, take a call, get another drink etc., they must drink double whatever they missed. You can add rules that people must drink when a commentator says a particular phrase, each time a particular commercial airs or a penalty and any other options you can think of.

Drink responsibly

Casino drinking games are meant to be fun, not to make you sick through over-consumption. Choose to take sips of drinks rather than a full glass if that suits you better. You can also play all these games with cocktails, sodas and other non-alcoholic drinks to save yourself from a hangover the next day.

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