Stacia K. from Encinitas, California
Purchased Why Cant I Be Rich Instead Of Good Looking Tank Top.
We love a good drink but never whilst we play. If you're looking to win big but still take those free drinks on offer, read on. You'll be glad you did.
It's funny how some things really do go hand in hand. Cigarettes and coffee. Fries and ketchup. Sugar and diabetes. But just because things feel right doesn't mean they are. Sometimes, you need to stop and think. You need to fight that urge to avoid your own detriment. We can help you find many things, but you need to help yourself sometimes.
For the best new online casinos, you can find them here or have a look at But trust us: keep drinking and casino games separate because we love the idea of players winning some decent coin. We don't love the thought of you missing out. So, help yourself, because here's why that will happen.
Casinos are fun! They have an electric atmosphere that really draws you in and gets you on board. Even if you weren't to play, your first visit is so memorable and exciting. And that's just what they want you to feel. Not in an evil way, but you need to be enjoying yourself to continue to do some things, it's natural.
The same feeling of excitement can be had when playing online. Same buzz, same feeling of winning. Of getting something out of it, of being on top. But where casinos can then cross the line of morality, is when they start with those damned free drinks.
You don't get something for nothing, ever, anywhere, and the casino is no different. Sure, the waitress had a big smile, maybe she was just being nice and welcoming? She wasn't. She was doing her job and her job is to make the casino more money. She does this by interfering with your common sense, dampening your reflexes and causing you to make impulsive decisions.
We're not here to be your mother, you probably had one of your very own at some point, so we'll save the lecture. And we don't want to hit you with all the facts about drinking, so if you like, you can check out this site which will certainly educate you.
We just want you to eat your cake and have it too. And the way to do that is to gamble first and have a drink later. That way you just may end up with the money to pay for those drinks you turned down, and then some.
Consuming even moderate amounts of alcohol can shift your winning balance to tip the scale back their way. Yes, you may have got a couple free drinks from it, but on average you will lose more than what you received. That is why they do it. And if you didn't get the drinks for free, that's even worse. You may as well just give them your money and go home, it saves you all the hassle.
We're not wanting to sound like hypocrites or that we're above you. We love a drink; we love a flutter. But we are wise to the world in the sense that we know the two are not mutually exclusive and should be kept separate.
At the end of the day, we want you to win less than you do, but we still want you to win. So, enjoy that cold beer, dry white wine or 12-year-old scotch (with a dash of water and never ice), but wait until after you've won. Not only will you win more but you may just find that drink tastes all the better as a reward.
Stacia K. from Encinitas, California
Purchased Why Cant I Be Rich Instead Of Good Looking Tank Top.
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