• 6 Drinking Games That'll Make Any Party More Fun

6 Drinking Games That'll Make Any Party More Fun

By: Andrew J. | Posted in: Drinking Games | Published: 11/28/2022

Few things in life are as enjoyable as a good party. It is the perfect time to relax and have some fun with your friends or family, but it can be hard to keep people entertained at all times. Luckily, there are plenty of games out there that you can play at parties that don't require much setup or preparation on your part. These will help keep guests entertained and provide them with something to do instead of just staring into space and waiting for their next drink!

Playing Drinking Games Is Fun

Drinking games are fun because they're competitive. They're also fun because they boost your social skills and make you feel like you've won a million bucks at top online casinos you love! But the main reason drinking games are popular is that they involve drinking alcohol, which many people enjoy. Drinking games can be played anytime, anywhere, and with anyone. They're a great way to liven up a dull party or make the night more enjoyable when you're out with friends.

Beer Pong: The Classic Game That Everyone Knows and Loves

Beer pong is a classic game that everyone knows and loves. It has simple rules, is easy to learn, and is a great way to get people drinking in a fun atmosphere. The first step in setting up is deciding which team will start first by flipping a coin or drawing straws - whoever wins gets to pick between stripes or solids for their color choice (if you choose not to play with colors).

Once your teams are chosen, then assign one person on each team who will throw all the shots - they will rotate each time they make a shot, so don't worry about being too accurate here! The rest of your teammates are there just for support unless they're good at playing beer pong then maybe they should try throwing? Either way, once everyone's ready, go ahead and start playing!

Flip Cup: Another Classic Drinking Game That's Perfect for Parties

If you're looking for a game that will make your party more fun, look no further than Flip Cup. It's a classic drinking game that involves flipping a cup and drinking when it lands on its side. You can play this game with teams or individually, and it's one of the easiest games to learn.

It's also easy to adapt to different situations. If your friend is hosting an office party, you can use paper cups from their printer as flip cups instead of buying special ones just for the occasion!

Quarters: A Simple Yet Fun Game That Can Be Played With Just a Few People

Quarters is a simple game of luck and skill that's easy to learn and can be played with just two people. The goal is to toss your coin into the glass, but it doesn't matter if it lands inside or outside of the glass-you only get points for getting it in. You'll need four quarters, an empty pint glass, and another one filled with beer (or soda) to play. Fill up each guy's cup in turn until their bottom quarter is showing at the top.

This game has been around since at least WWI and was probably invented by soldiers stationed overseas who needed something fun to do while waiting out long stretches between battles or missions. It also makes sense why this particular drinking game became so popular among military men: Like many other games like darts or pool, quarters have a built-in way of determining which player wins based on objective criteria rather than subjective opinions about who played better overall.

Kings Cup: A Great Game for Large Groups That's Sure to Get Everyone Involved

Shuffle the deck and deal each player 8 cards, face down. If you have a larger group, deal out more or fewer cards depending on your number of players. Each person looks at their hand of cards without telling anyone else what they have. There are 2 types of Kings-one person is drinking water while another is drinking beer; one person has the Joker card, and one player has a Cup card. The object of this game is to figure out who has what items, all while trying not to let anyone know which items belong to whom!

The first person starts by reading off any item from their hand of cards (for example: "I am holding a cup") until someone responds with an opposing type/color/size item from their hand, such as "I do not have a cup, but I do have two jokers!" The goal here is for other players at the table who may possess that specific item in their hands will try and get people who do not have it to drink their's enemy's drink. This continues until all players go through their entire hands; then proceed onto round two, where everyone gets new cards!

The Fuzzy Duck: A Bar Game That's Easy to Pick Up and Impossible to Master

The Fuzzy Duck is a game for two or more players. The aim of the game is to make your opponent(s) drink more than you by taking turns guessing numbers between 1 and 100. To begin, each player should write down their number in secret. For example, let's say my number was 70.

The person who goes first starts by asking questions like: "What's your number?" or "Is it lower than mine?" If the other player answers correctly, they get to ask another question; if not, they have to drink! The following person then asks their question (if they haven't already), etc., until one person runs out of questions for everyone else.

Drinking Jenga: A Twist on the Classic Game That's Perfect for Those Who Want to Add a Little Bit of Competition to Their Drinking

The classic Jenga game is already a lot of fun, but drinking can make it even better. One of the easiest ways to do this is by playing Drinking Jenga. It's similar to the original in that you remove blocks as you go up, but now if you stack them wrong and they fall over, you have to take a shot!

The rules are pretty simple: Each player begins with one block (any size will do). When it's your turn, take a drink and pull out one block from anywhere on any side of the tower and place it in front of yourself. Then, choose another player who must then pull out one block. The goal is for players who continue playing for several rounds without making all three sides fall!

Final Thoughts

With these six drinking games, you can make any party more fun. Whether you want to play with a group of friends or just get a little tipsy on your own, these games are sure to bring a lot of laughs throughout the night-and possibly even some good memories.

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